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The OHPR project team and AHDS History would like to thank the following individuals for their input into this site.

First mention goes to our Advisory Committee: Ms Sheila Anderson, Mr Stuart Dempster, Dr Paul Ell, Dr Chris Galley, Dr Jeremy Krikler, Mr. Bill Noblett, Dr Mike Pringle, Dr Rainer Schultze, Professor Kevin Schurer, Dr Leigh Shaw-Taylor and Professor Sir Tony Wrigley.

For source materials we are indebted to the libraries of Cambridge University, Queen's University, Belfast and the University of Sheffield. The National Archives have provided unprecedented access to some of the archival material on this site, which has only been made possible with the involvement of Dr Paul Carter and his staff at TNA. Also many of the items have been sourced from the collection of Matthew Woollard, the Project Director.

The biggest part of the material was scanned and digitized by the team of the CDDA in Belfast under the guidance of Dr. Paul Ell, Elaine Yeates and David Hardy; another part of the material was provided by Rao's InfoCube in Tirupathi, Andhra Pradesh/India.

Other individuals including Mus Ahmet (UKDA), Alastair Allan (University of Sheffield), Julian Ball (University of Southampton), Zoe Bliss (AHDS History), Paul Ell (Queen's University, Belfast), Malyadri Gadamsetty (UKDA), Jennie Grimshaw (British Library), Mike King (UKDA), Tim Padfield (TNA), Humphrey Southall (Portsmouth University), Duncan Probert (Birmingham University) and Paula Warin have all made contributions to this site.

Especially, we would like to thank our former staff members at OHPR; Jenny Ball, Angela Boldini, David Borg-Muscat and Allie Diebold.

Funding for this site was made available from the JISC and has been managed from JISC by Stuart Dempster, who has been a blessing in all ways. Other past and present members of the JISC have also given advice and support including Dicky Maidment-Otlet and Lorraine Estelle.

Mapping reproduced by kind permission of Ordnance Survey Crown Copyright NC/44247/2005.